Caerleon Civic Society
1. NAME.
The name of the society shall be Caerleon Civic Society.
Caerleon Civic Society exists to preserve the character of the historic and friendly community and its surrounding areas and to raise awareness of the need to look after it.
The Society aims to meet on a monthly basis (throughout most of the year), offering members a place to get their voices heard. The meetings provide an opportunity to scrutinise planning applications encouraging planners, builders and developers to plan with respect and to complement our heritage whilst meeting the exacting standards that reflect the unique character of our area.
The meetings also provide a forum for a lively discussion of ideas aimed at improving the lives of residents and visitors alike. A broad range of subjects are often considered.
Our streets are rich in architectural treasures not only Roman but of the Medieval, Georgian and Victorian eras resulting in an area of pleasant and diverse visual quality. Preserving these treasures falls to voluntary bodies such as the Civic Society.
The Caerleon Conservation Area was first designated in 1970 and was most recently appraised in 2019 (Caerleon CAA_27March19 ( leading to a boundary revision in 2020.
As the society matures beyond its fiftieth year there is an appreciation that we must also recognise the demands of modern life. The society works collaboratively with other like-minded groups, to improve the effectiveness of local resources and offers support to relevant initiatives such as the campaign to restore a railway station to Caerleon.
Although the society has very limited resources it has been able to contribute, in no small way, along with others to enhance as well as preserve the rich character of the area. For example, in producing historical plaques and improving signage and the society continues to be active in this respect.
Membership shall be open to all who are interested in actively furthering the purposes of the Society. No members shall have power to vote at any meeting if his/her subscription is in arrears at the time. Junior members shall be those aged less than 16 years at the time their subscription is due, and they shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Society. The annual subscription of a member joining the Society in the three months preceding 1st January in any year shall be regarded as covering membership for the Society's year commencing on 1st January following the date of joining the Society.
The subscription rates shall be determined by the Society and shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting. Annual subscription shall be payable on or before the 30th March each year. Membership shall lapse if the subscription is unpaid there months after it is due. Life member may choose to pay the annual subscription.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of the end of March each year to receive the Chair's Report and audited accounts in the Treasurer's Report and to elect Officers and members of any sub-committees. Special General Meetings of the Society may be held at the request of members representing not less than 10% of the existing membership of the Society and whose subscriptions are fully paid up.
Monthly meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each month. Members may choose to cancel a monthly meeting if circumstances make it impossible to hold. The AGM will be held on the second Monday of March if a venue is available; otherwise a date as close as possible will be selected. 6 members personally present shall constitute the quorum for any meeting. Members notified of an issue in advance of a meeting by the agenda and who cannot be present may submit a vote to the Chair on that issue.
Nominations for the election of Officers shall be made at least 14 days before the AGM. Such nominees shall be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained.
The Officers of the Society shall exist of:
-Honorary Secretary (note: this office may be combined with that of Chair if there is no separate nomination for the office).
-Honorary Treasurer.
-Minute Secretary.
-Planning sub-committee composed of no more than 4 ordinary members.
All of whom shall relinquish their office very year and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
A President may be nominated by the Society, whose term of office is determined by the wishes of that President and the Society.
Powers are delegated to the Officers who shall make recommendations to be voted on by paid-up members.
The Society may constitute such sub-committees from time to time as shall be considered necessary for such purposes as shall be thought fit. Sub-committees may be regulated or dissolved by the Society.
8. USES AND ADMINISTRATION OF APPLICABLE FUNDS. The Society shall, out of the funds of the Society, pay all proper expenses of administration and management expenses and the setting aside to reserve of such sums as may be deemed expedient; the remaining funds shall be applied in the furtherance of the purposes of the Society.
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at an Annual General Meeting of the Society, provided that 28 days' notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all members, and provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise any amendment the effect of which would be to cause the Society at any time to cease to be a charity in law.
Any notice required to be given by these Rules shall be deemed to be duly given if emailed, left at or sent by post to the address of the member last notified to the Secretary.
The Society may be dissolved by a 2/3 majority of the members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Society. If a motion for the dissolution of the Society is to be proposed at an AGM or SGM this motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the meeting is given. In the event of the dissolution of the Society the available funds of the Society shall be transferred to one or more charitable institutions having objects similar or reasonably similar to those herein before declared, to be approved by members at the meeting of the Society at which the decision to dissolve the Society is confirmed . On dissolution the minute books and other records of the Society shall be deposited with the Civic Trust.