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Caerleon Civic Society welcomes the opportunity to be involved in the consultation for the Sustainable Travel Strategy. We consider that the strategy is long overdue.


Previous reports, including the AQMA reports, have set the scene but we consider that the time for action has arrived. We recognise that any action related to the Caerleon AQMA needs a strategic context, and that our particular concerns for nitrogen dioxide levels in central Caerleon need to be examined alongside a range of other policy initiatives, and that is why we broadly welcome the current report.


However, we firmly consider that the report needs to show greater urgency and that the tone and language needs to be sharpened up to reflect this urgency. Many of our detailed comments illustrate this point. We trust that our comments will be taken as ways of strengthening the content and conclusions.


In considering the report the Civic Society has set-up a sub group of members not only to develop our comments in detail but also to make suggestions that could improve the situation, particularly in Caerleon. We welcome the planned opportunity to be involved in workshops to develop these ideas. We welcome the possibility that this consultation process could open up informed public debate about all aspects of sustainable travel.


The Civic Society is willing to discuss issues and ideas alongside other interested parties, especially local hauliers and schools. We do not have a fixed agenda and are ready to learn but we do need to see positive outcomes and implementable action in the short and medium terms.


We have distributed the link to the report to all our members, and via social media, and have encouraged them to complete and submit the survey.


Yours sincerely,

Chris Thomas,

Chair, Caerleon Civic Society

©2018 by Caerleon Civic Society.


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