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NEWS 2018

Here you’ll find all the latest news and information from Caerleon  Civic Society.

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December 2018


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November 2018

Arles is a large town of 60,000 people in the south of France. It has important Roman remnants, such as an amphitheatre and baths. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981. Why not Caerleon?

This is the question that interested members of Caerleon Civic Society. What can be done to increase the status of Caerleon and, perhaps, attract the kind of sensitive investment to both ease the seemingly intractable problems of traffic congestion and unacceptable air quality and enhance the enjoyment of our Roman heritage for visitors and residents?


With this conundrum in mind, we invited John Rodger M.B.E. to speak to us at our November meeting. John was the Project Director of the Blaenavon World Heritage Site. He gave us a marvellous illustrated talk about the background to achieving World Heritage Status for Blaenavon and what has been done to transform a ‘distressed landscape and town’ to the Blaenavon that we see today. His talk, and later questions and discussion, established that the Blaenavon success has been the result of a very lengthy process requiring the active partnership of many public and other organisations. 

Is this the way forward for Caerleon? 


Chris Thomas, Chair, Caerleon Civic Society




The Memorial Plaque in St. Cadoc’s Church, Caerleon, bears the names of 31 men who served, and died, in the First World War.






The organisers of CAERLEON REMEMBERS and the Caerleon Festival Committee are holding an Exhibition, COMMEMORATING LOST LIVES, at St. Cadoc’s Church, from November 14th to November 24th 10.00am to 4.00pm when Church services permit.




October 2018


Caerleon Civic Society is extremely pleased that Newport City Council’s Planning Committee has listened to the strong objections of the Caerleon community, and all its local elected representatives, and refused to give permission for what would have been a development of questionable quality with unacceptable consequences for local people in terms of traffic congestion and air pollution.


We entirely agree with the Committee report’s summary conclusion that “the benefits arising from the proposal would not demonstrably outweigh the objections in relation to highway and air quality matters…..”


What will happen to the campus site now, and what will be USW’s next step, are matters for another day. Today we can celebrate a local decision made on the basis of sound analysis and common sense.

September 2018

The continuing problem of Caerleon's highly polluted streets from traffic emissions remains an important part of Caerleon Civic Society’s agenda - it is of major concern. 



Click to read the Civic Society report.

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© James A Sullivan 2018

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August 2018



The Basque Society UK looks back on the unveiling of the new  plaque  along with a report from Cllr. Gail Giles  sharing the history of the Basque Child refugees who fled to Caerleon in 1937.



July 2018

' The appreciation of the refugee children and their families for their care and the generosity of the Welsh people is part of the social history which carries on till today.​'





1937 Spanish Civil War link with Caerleon


On Tuesday 10th July, in bright sunshine, a good crowd of people gathered together in Cross Street in front of Pendragon House to watch the unveiling of a plaque. It was to commemorate the presence of the Basque child refugee who took shelter in Caerleon in 1937

For the  full article with photo's of the unveiling  click here

Members of CCS at the unveiling

June 2018

The first weekend in June saw this years Roman re-enactment spectacular at the Caerleon Amphitheatre. With marching soldiers, artillery ,horse cavalry displays and a chance to meet Gladiators the event  was once again a great success. 


With thanks to Scott Coombes for allowing us to use his photographs.

April 2018

Excavation of Caerleon Amphitheatre in the 1920’s.

George Anthony Wollan b1862 standing far left. Part of the labour force employed in the excavations. Resided in Castle Street. His son, William, killed at the 3rd battle of Passchendaele in 1917.


Theresa Verney, wife of archaeologist, Mortimer Wheeler at Caerleon Amphitheatre


Courtsey of granddaughter Jan Wollan



April 2018

Caerleon Civic Society has discussed the idea of Caerleon applying to become a UNESCO World Heritage site, thereby joining a stellar cast: Sydney Opera House, the Great Wall of China, Pompeii/Herculaneum, to mention just a few. An exciting idea!
Blaenavon successfully applied for the status being the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. Think of how much Caerleon has to offer from its ancient Roman past. There is Chester recently referred to by the BBC as a premier Roman city, as indeed it was but think, for example, their amphitheatre – a series of stones on a roundabout - whilst ours is in its full glory but there will be many more important aspects to be considered. 
The Caerleon Civic Society isn’t aiming to lead this application but to encourage others better placed to do so.
It will not be an easy exercise - the route will be long and arduous and many obstacles will be put in the way of progress. It is, though, worth a try.
Any thoughts or offers of support please make contact via 
Mike Singleton Chair


April 2018

In it’s April meeting Caerleon Civic Society reviewed the progress with relation to the University of South Wales initial application for its former campus: there is none though it is understood that USW have been shaken by the severity and significance of the criticisms made in the initial consultation.
The Society looked at the idea of Caerleon applying to become a World Heritage site, following in the successful footsteps of Blaenavon. The Society would aim to encourage support for this intriguing idea and would make a contribution from its own expertise.
Members condemned the Newport City Council to close the remaining public conveniences in Caerleon. An email has been sent to Cllr. R. Jeavons and asked NCC to re-consider its decision.
CCS welcomed the decision to place the mobile mast in the Trading Estate: a much more appropriate location with little visual impact. 
Finally the Caerleon Civic Society is proud to have launched its very own new website – see 

March 2018

NEWS Caerleon Civic Society has decided to support the renewal of the plaque in Cross St. organised by Cllr. Gail Giles and sponsored by BCA ’37 UK- (the) Association for Basque children. commemorating the wonderful humanitarian gesture of the residents of Caerleon in the 1930’s. Fascism swept Europe at that time and many people became its innocent victims. Lots of people talked about the catastrophe unfolding but the people of Caerleon did something about it. 30 children from the Basque region of Spain were taken in until the end of the war. Mrs Fernandez, the Spanish lady in charge, never left Caerleon!
CCS has its own trail of modest plaques- if you look hard enough you will spot them. The Society hopes to be able to put up some more in the future. These will tell you it wasn’t just the Romans who built beautifully in our little town.
The role of the CCS is traditionally to do with the built environment. The Society celebrates the history and beauty of our lovely town but also chooses to salute the marvellous spirit of the residents- now and then


May 2018


Thurley Review The Cabinet Secretary for Economy

and Infrastructure, Ken Skates, commissioned a

review by Dr Simon Thurley to look at the success,

resilience and sustainability of Amgueddfa Cymru -

National Museum Wales. The final report contains a

number of recommendations on future governance,

partnership working, finance and income generation.






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